In this energy saving option two longitudinal corridors are driven by a bell crank driven by the transversal corridor at the end of the blast room. Our flexible “no mechanical” blades glide over foreign objects dropped into the floor mechanism, which usually stall a metal scraper. Also, as we have no mechanical hinge, the danger of dust causing the hinge to seize is eliminated.
Several corridors run the length of the facility deploying abrasive into a transversal corridor running at right angles to the longitudinal corridors. In this case a pit, with recovery floor, is facilitated by dropping the transversal below it by 130mm.
The RSI - Airblast AFC Recovery Floor automatically recovers abrasive material from beneath the operators’ feet. A full recovery floor effectively renders the blaster with an endless supply of media, thus eliminating the need to stop production to recover media. The Airflex floor is made of modular corridors of various standard widths that can be produced to any length. Six widths are available, and with this flexibility it is possible to recover from virtually any floor area.
Each corridor has a series of flexible rubber blades set at regular intervals. The blades rest against galvanized steel combs thus allowing it to push or pull the abrasive when the comb is behind the rubber. On the alternate stroke the comb passes through the abrasive and the rubber blade passes over it. This back and forth motion, when repeated, causes the abrasive to be shunted along with each alternate stroke.
Eventually, each individual accumulation of abrasive, in the linear corridors, is deposited into a transversal corridor running at right angles to the rest of the floor. This transversal corridor transfers the abrasive to the elevator and grit wash prior to being deposited into the silo over the blasting vessel.