Turnkey Systems & Equipment Installation
RSI, Inc. has applications ranging
from Hot Forging (as in the picture to the left), Metal
Polishing, Metal Grinding (wet and dry), Welding, Metal
Plate Cutting to Food Seasoning Mixing and Protein Powder
Can Filling.
Not only do the RSI Engineers provide
conceptual drawings and calculations, but manufacture the
ductwork and install the entire project. Fully experienced
and insured installers provide a safe and secure jobsite
that protects both owners and contractors. The many years of
experience by RSI, Inc. allow for the utmost in owner
confidence for a job well done.
From the smallest to the largest
installations, RSI, Inc. will provide the highest quality
attention and quality in the industry.

Powder Coating Overspray Collectors
A true innovation for a rapid growth
industry is RSI, Inc’s Powder Coat Overspray
Collector with “Easy – Economical Color Change” Feature.
Based on the proven roll out cart design, our engineers have designed a simple
roll out of the cartridges and powder gathering box for the
different colors.
The main unit and blower stays in place
for minimal investment.
Because of
the light weight of these powders, this unit is 5 hp. and rated
at 4,000 cfm, the highest rating in the industry because of the
“ultra high energy” of the reverse pulse self cleaning system
used by RSI, Inc.
This consists of variable throat venturi
design with expansion cones designed by Goyen for these RSI self
cleaning cartridge systems.