The patented RSI On-Floor Tow Conveyor is
economical. It is a mounted conveyor system that is located on the existing
floor, used in finishing rooms, assembly and warehouse areas of manufacturing
This system allows for ease of installation and expansion on existing wood,
metal or concrete floors.

With The RSI On-Floor
System, carts and products are placed onto the
system, processed, then conveyed to another
location. Carts may also be delivered into
workstations upon request and processed on a
variable time frame. Carts can be accumulated at
various locations for staging and prolonged
drying or processing times. This system has the
capability to stop individual carts in
workstations while the rest of the system
continues to operate. The RSI On-Floor System is
perfectly suited for applications where future
expansions or reconfiguration is a concern. All
Rhodes Tow Conveyor Systems offer the following
-Cart accumulation or "close pack"
-Cart delay in workstations
-Cart-on-Call" or variable cart delay in workstations
-Pallet Handling
-Finishing Systems
-Drum Handling
-Progressive Assembly
-Product Transport